Organic-mineral compost

The organic-mineral Compost is made from mixtures of composts with conventional fertilisers, which produces an excellent organic mineral fertiliser that is perfect for all types of crops. Due to the blends it contains, nutrient concentrations can be increased according to the specific needs of each crop. In fact, this organic mineral fertiliser allows us to personalise the fertiliser we want to use as much as possible. This makes the whole process of fertilising crops and soils easier for our customers.

There are many advantages to this organic mineral fertiliser, since it allows us to control the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium that we want to apply to the soil. In this way, we help the soil to compensate for its deficiencies and we also avoid over-fertilising or creating nutritional deficiencies caused by applying an incorrect dosage of the product.

With our organic-mineral compost, there are no downsides!